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Hi, I'm 2ood.

Minimalist, Developer, Writer

2ood | ee - wood |

I build what I am in need.

I drink espresso.

I like trees.

I like to write stuff.

I like to run.

I would like to read.

I like rock ballad songs.

Travel Map

web svg

2022.6 - ongoing

I color the places I visited as I travel.

Demo Repository

Todo Dashboard

web heroku Node.js express

2021.10 - 2022.6

I write my todos here.

Demo Repository

Kakao API Sandbox

web Kakao API

2022.5 - 2022.5

I can send myself a kakao template message.

Demo Repository


App Flutter RESTful Bluetooth Award-winning

2021.9 - 2021.10

Untact Movement Control System. An app for personnel quarantine control.




2021.1 - 2021.2

A .jar Java app for generating exam sheet randomly out of given quiz bank.



vanillaJS Firebase

2021.12 - ongoing

A blog I built from scratch.

Demo Repository

Youtube Tweak Extensions

Chrome Extension Youtube

2022.5 - 2022.5

Chrome extensions enhancing Youtube UX (personal usage purpose)


I write in here

I like to make a record of things.

Contact me
