in Assignments use python sorting packages.
7 todos left.
What is algorithm?
Set of computational steps, that transforms input to output.
There needs input (or not), and output is a must.
Algorithm needs to be
- definite: each steps should be meaningful
- finite: should be finished at some point.
- effective : it has to do the task effectively.
What problems does Algorithms solve?
- routing algorithms
- search engines
- public key cryptography
- maximizing profit
- et cetra
What is different from Data structure class?
- | data structure | algorithms |
Definition | way to organize data | procedure for performing task |
#todo : difference between data structure and algorithms |
needs good data structure knowledge in order to build a good algorithms. It will help.
Needs data structure knowledge after finals.
Algorithms - Sorting
- insertion, selection, bubble, shell, merge, heap, quick, quick3
How do you say one algorithm is better than the other? The number of primitive operations needed. We express with big-O notation.
Big-O notation
mathematical notation used to classify algorithms according to how their run time grow as the input size grows.
ex1. get_first_number function needs 1 operation : constant : O(1) ex2. summation function needs n operation : O(n) ex3. Sequential search : n operation : O(n), linear time complexity ex4. Binary search(just like we search on dictionary) : log n operation : O(log n) ex5. brute force : O(n!), worst.
caution. we can only use binary search only when the input is sorted. In other words, input is sorted beforehand.
memo. runtime complexity, space complexity
Comparison between Big-O notations
Insertion Sort
Find a spot and shift. for each unsorted data array, we choose where to insert in the sorted data array.
this alg. divides data into two parts: sorted and unsorted.
compare with each sorted data backwards (biggest first). if the sorted datum is bigger, shift to right. else if the sorted datum is smaller, put the target to the place.
#todo : implement pseudocode. #todo : implement code.
time complexity : $O(n^2)$
#todo : how to prove?
Merge Sort
divide and conquer
What is Divide and Conquer?
you divide problem into multiple subproblems.
remark subproblems should be the similar problem of the bigger one. divide and conquer is recursive in nature.
Divide : divide problem into smaller subproblems. Conquer : when the subproblem is small enough, solve in straight-forward manner. Combine : obtain bigger solution with smaller solutions.
#todo : implement merge sort pseudocode. #todo : implement python code.
time complexity : $O(n*log(n))$
#todo : how to prove?