Summary Three times
keywords algorithm analysis, growth of functions, asymptotic notation, big-O, omega, theta functions
TODO #todo : see through book and find 3 more sorting algorithms and learn. They are not popular because they use high space complexity
Exercise* $\Omega(n)$ Draw the function stack steps.
Next time
caution In merge sort, we are not talking about parallel programming. It's a sequential excecution. Each function call is stacked in function call stack, paused when calling a smaller recursive functions.
We can implement mergesort with less memory usage. Try not to copy the array and pass (or sort).
Algorithm Analysis
(The book is analyzing algorithm one by one, each after introducing the algorithm)
We should be able to tell the time complexity just by seeing the code.
How do you analyze algorithm?
Check runtime (experimental approach)
- Why do we not do experimental approach?
- It is dependant to the experimenting infrastructure(data, machine, language..)
- Some algorithms is executed in so small time.
- Cannot test on small parts of a big code. should excecute the whole code.
compute the time complexity (theoretical approach)
Asymptotic Analysis
We count the number of primitive operations.
- We are only interested in the pattern of growth of runtime when input grows.
- Thus we only consider of the dominant terms (namely, that of highest order).
We use notation as a function of input (ex. $f(n)$)
There are three types
- $O(n)$ :
- $\Omega(n)$ :
- $\Theta(n)$ : tight bond
#todo : fill out three functions
Big-O notation
The maximal runtime growth.
- Constant $O(1)$
- Logarithmic $O(log;n)$
- linear $O(n)$
- nlogn $O(n;log(n))$
- Quadratic $O(n^2)$
- exponential $O(a^n)$
- factorial $O(n!)$
Usually The stage can be downgraded (more efficiently)
How to calculate
There are cost ( $c$ )of the operation, and the count ( $t$ ) of operation count each iterations, and check the highest order term.
- include the loop index refreshing statements, and loop checking statements
- Example 1 은 $O(n^2)$?
- Example 2 은 $O(n^2)$?
- Example 3 는 $p$<$n$ 이기 때문에 $ O( \sqrt n )$
- Example 4 는 $O(\log_2 n)$
- Example 5 는 $O(\log_2 n)$
- Example 6 $O(n)$
for (int i=0<i<n;i=i*2) {
for(int j=0;j<p;j=j*2) {
2nd loop in code above has time complexity of $O(\log p)$. So, the code is $O(\log n + \log \log n)$ -> $O(\log n)$
for (int i=0; i<n;i++) {
for(int j=1;j<n;j*2) {
The code is $O(n \log n)$
for (int i=0;i<n;i++) {
for (int j=o;j<k;j++) {
The code is $O(n+k)$
#todo : do the examples of calculating big-O of several codes.
Other Asysmptotic notations
- Theta : tight bound
- Big -O : Upper bound
- Omega : Lower Bound