Next time solution of Knapsack problem.
master's theorem, asymptotic notations, substitutions
what algorithms did we learn? linear search, binary search, all kinds of sorting,
Contents Forward
- DP or Greedy
- Fibonacci
- Zero one, unbounded, simple knapsack
- matrix chain multiplication
- longest common subsequence
write in resursive first, and convert to DP algorithm.
Dynamic Programming
- used for solving Optimizing Problem; minimize or maximize sth. memo. optimization can be solved using Greedy and DP.
- reduces time complexity of prior algorithms.
- should try all possible solutions and pick up the best solution.
Two approach of DP
- memoization(Top down).
- Tabulation (Bottom up).
How do you identify the problem can be solved by DP?
to implement, the problem should contain overlapping subproblems. DP follows Principle of Optimality
principle of optimality
problems can be solved by taking a sequence of decision.
Divide n Conquer vs. DP
similarity : combine subproblem solution to make final solution difference : Divide n Conquer when disjoint subproblems, there will be no same call with same input. ex. merge sort. DP when overlapping subproblems. ex. fibonacci.
Greedy vs. DP
- Greedy sees the local optimum.
- Greedy do not deal with multiple possible solutions
- Greedy do not guarantee the correct answer.
- Greedy is faster.
- Greedy deal with some uncertain assumptions.
#todo : see slide 5. (see image)
memo. Greedy Greedy is based on local optimum. step by step,
Problem w/ Recursion; Why do we need DP?
stack overflow.
DP#1, Fibonacci.
Fibonacci in Memoization
recursive approach, top-down approach.
- initialize an 1D array (with invalid results, like -1).
- after calling functions, fill the result on array.
- When overlapping functions, refer the array and get the result w/o calculating.
Still recursive.
Fibonacci in Tabulation
iterative approach, using loops.
- make an array.
- iterating from 0 to desitnation, calculate each fibonacci one by one.
DP#2-1, 0/1 Knapsack.
bag with a finite capacity bag. each item has weight and price. maximize the contained price of the bag.
Take, or don't take the item.