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Information Representations
Tech in chronological order.
- Mechanical
- uses gears for moving.
- physical representation of state : gears in a specific configuration.
- Electrical
- our computers.
- physical representation of state : voltage or no voltage state.
- Optical
- optical computing is commercially on the horizon.
- It is still too expensive.
- physical representation of state : photon present or absent state.
- Quantum
- completely different tech.
- you change the data as you read. -> a finite state does not exist.
- Instead, the computations collide into probabilities.
physical repr. are on binary information systems.
- data implicit by some physical entity being present or not.
data representations
- binary. 1:4 compression is hexadecimal. 1:3 compression is octal(rarely used)
- sexagesimal :12 based system. advantages on exact fractions.
- babilonian canaric symbol..
Concept and its representations.
value is different from its representations. The concept is unisome; its presentation can be multiple.
example. number is represented in integer form and real number form( IEEE 754) inside computer.
- negative numbers? : 1 bit for direction & other bits for magnitude?
- 2's complement is a system to express value AND direction integrated at the same time.
character is represented in font(a graphic form), and hard coded to ASCII,EBCDIC,Unicode table. zoned ?
- ascii and ebcdic is limited; it uses 8bit (=1byte) for each character repr.
- unicode uses 16bit (=2byte) for each character repr.
- korean is represented in unicode(2byte) converted into utf-8(3byte) and transmitted.
binary coded decimals are half way between number and character representations. BCD to character, BCD to decimals are easy.
sidenote. zero is technically not a value; it is more of a placeholder.
Zoned formats